7.0 or Better
by William A. Rogers AKA Tony Rogers
Research has proven that disease cannot survive in an alkaline state, but viruses, bacteria, yeast, fungus, candida and even cancer cells can only live and grow in a low oxygen, low pH environment. If your body is acidic it cannot retain enough oxygen to fight infections. If your pH level is 7.0 or better it will become alkaline, allowing the blood and chemicals in your body to absorb high levels of oxygen.
Pathogens and cancers cannot survive in an oxygen-rich alkaline environment. Hydrogen Peroxide is oxygenated water used to kill infection because harmful germs die in a highly oxygenated environment. We are now facing a virus that can be deadly to people with low pH level acidic bodies. Seniors and anyone with a weak immune system are vulnerable.
(pH) is a scale of 0 to 14, the lower numbers representing acidity and the higher numbers are alkaline, with 7 considered neutral. You can purchase a pH test strip kit for about $10.00 on Amazon or from your local pharmacy. A saliva or urine pH test strip will give you a reading range between 4.5 to 9.0. A reading of 7.0 or better means your body is more alkaline than acidic. A reading 6.5 or lower means your body is more acidic than alkaline.
Reports suggest that due to lifestyle and diet the average American over 30 will test around 6.0 pH, if this is true, education about the positive power of Hydrogen can save lives. There are things that can be done to reduce the acidity in your body and rise your bodies pH level. Drinking alkaline water, diet, and mindfulness activities are examples of a few.
We have been told that about 3 different types of COVID-19 vaccines maybe available for distribution to the public by early 2021. There are many questions centered around the short term and long-term side effects that might arise due to the speed of development.
There are several private sector investments in the COVID-19 vaccine research. Another reason many wonder if the desire to make a profit is over riding public safety protocols in the current COVID-19 vaccine race. No Matter what your thoughts are about the vaccine we know it will still take months before one will be available.
The vaccine will not be a cure it will only assist your immune system to fight the virus. Something you can do naturally. If you purchase a pH test kit and find that your readings are 6.5 or below you will know that your body is acidic and you are valuable to COVID -19, the Flu or any other virus that invades your body. You should do whatever you can to reduce the acidity in your body.
Until a vaccine is available, I suggest you explore natural options that will help you raise your body pH to 7.0 or better. This will mean making life style changes, and you have many options. A major reason why Harlem Holistic Wellness Week (H2W2021) will be especially important this year (April 24th to May 1st ).
The main objective for the annual holistic wellness week is to introduce people to many different types of natural wellness practitioners and products that will improve the mind body and spirit. If you visit www.h2w.nyc you can still see many of the H2W2020 wellness discussions and demonstrations that focused on building a strong immune system.
The theme for H2W 2021 is Energy Healing Past, Present and Future this years focus will again focus on ways to build a strong immune system. 7.0 or Better will be a sub-theme to this year’s virtual wellness seven-day program. Visit www.onuwon.com for information on sponsorship, vending and participation in H2W 2021 you can also send an email to onuwon@gmail.com.
Remember 7.0 pH or better is currently your best natural COVID-19 defense that you can control and monitor.